Julia, Andrea, Dave and I had a great trip to Italy, Switzerland and Germany from May 18th to the 30th.


    We flew into Venice, and stayed there two nights. A wonderful train ride took us to the east side of Lake Como in northern Italy. Three wonderful days and nights were spent in the gorgeous Varenna area. In a small village up the mountain from Varenna called Perledo, the four of us partook in the most wonderful Italian cooking class with Chef Moreno...a well-known local chef.


    The train ride from northern Italy to the Swiss Alps is so gorgeous!! On May 24th, our first night in Murren, Dave proposed to Andrea. This is the same Swiss village that I proposed to Julia in. How cool is that?!! A new son-in-law is born. Murren is Heaven on earth.


        From Murren we rode the train to Baden-Baden for one night. The four of us enjoyed a couple hours in their famous steam spa. Very comforting. From Baden-Baden we headed east to Frauental...the little village where our German son Chris and his lovely fiance’ Jasmin were about to be married. What a great time we had sharing time with them on their special day. Christian even asked the four of us to be part of the wedding by reciting the Lord’s Prayer in front of the entire congregation. Very nice!! We spent two wonderful nights in Frauental with Chris and his family and friends. From there, a very long plane ride home from Frankfurt topped off our fantastic European vacation.

Italy, Switzerland and Germany 2011